Title: Catch (and don't miss) Pairing: Jonghyun x Key Rating: PG Word Count: 100 Summary: Jonghyun should've known better - they're best friends after all. Response to shineeworld's challenge "accept my feelings dammit!"
Title: Some Kind of Tenderness Pairing: Jonghyun x Onew Rating: PG Word Count: 150 Summary: Jonghyun will always want to protect him. For shineeworld's drabble challenge "try and stop me." Note: Not even gonna lie, yumeyana's fic was in my mind as I wrote this aha.
Title: Adieu to You Pairing: Taemin x Key Rating: G Word Count: 150 Summary: No matter what they say, goodbyes are always painful. Response to shineeworld's drabble challenge "breathe you in."
Title: Pilla-Pilla Pairing: SHINee OT5 Rating: PG Word Count: 200 Summary: No one has any claim on them, except themselves. Note: "Pilla-pilla" means "tag" in Spanish.
Title: Dizzy Circles Pairing: Onew x Key Rating: PG Word Count: 100 Summary: Jinki knew if he were sane he'd run far away from Kibum. Response shineeworld's drabble challenge "there he goes."